On November 14, 2018 we had the privilege to welcome seven Grade 9’s to have a taste of what goes on at IBW Surveyors. 
The students were taking part in ‘Take your Student to Work Day’ an initiative that allows them to have a first hand look at the working world.

It was a chilly day, but they braved the cold and spent the morning in the field, finding bars and assisting one of our Party Chiefs.

Upon their return and a scrumptious lunch, they were able to see first hand the technical capabilities we have at IBW.
From Scanning to GIS, and a few games in between, it was a pleasure to host a great group and IBW looks forward to this event every year.

Grade 9 students at IBW Surveyors learning about 3D laser scanning.
Grade 9 students at IBW Surveyors being briefed about their upcoming survey project.
Grade 9 students at IBW Surveyors dressed for field work.

If you have a Vision We will help you to turn it into reality