Surveying the Future

Surveyor’s Real Property Report

Surveying Services for Home Owners

Surveyor’s Real Property Report

A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) is a certified boundary plan showing the property boundaries and the location of any buildings in relation to the boundaries. This plan will also show any fences, hedges or permanent features that lie on or close to the property limits, plus the approximate location of any easements that affect the subject lands.

A SRPR is a valuable document for property owners to understand property boundaries, to use for discussions with neighbors or a lawyer, to help determine the size and location of a new structure when you are renovating or building on your property and to provide to a future purchaser for clarity of the extent of your property.

IBW Surveyors completes hundreds of SRPRs every year throughout Ontario and can help you:

  • Save time and money. We really care about your success and will provide you with the right advice to get the job done efficiently.
  • Find peace of mind. A dedicated project manager will be assigned to you to take care of your project from start to finish.
  • Get all the help you need. IBW’s team of experts will help you deal with any issues on your property or project and help you move forward with certainty.

The following chart provides you with a generalization of the standard workflow for a project where the deliverable will result in a Surveyor’s Real Property Report. The SRPR is excellent for providing measurements between key fixtures and the property limits.

Contact IBW Surveyors

Surveyor’s Real Property Report Questions?

We're here to help.


Step 1

Request a Quote

Call us at: 1-800-667-0696 or Request a Quote Online


Step 2

We will help determine the product that best meets your needs.


Step 3

A dedicated Project Manager will take your project from start to finish.


Step 4

An Ontario Land Surveyor reviews the work, then prepares and signs a report. Next, the Project Manager arranges delivery.

The flow of the project can be impacted based on the information that is gathered by our research team and also based on what evidence is found and measured on site. At times it can involve a lot of deciphering, while other times it can be very simple and straightforward to move from the start to finish.

Once a Surveyor’s Real Property Report is complete, you will receive two key pieces of documentation. The primary document will be a signed legal survey, the secondary document will be a reporting letter that will outline any issues that were discovered while completing the survey.

Surveyor’s Real Property Report Example

Below you will find the survey sample of what a complete Surveyor’s Real Property Report will resemble.

Example of a Surveyor’s Real Property Report

Frequently Asked Questions

What does SRPR stand for?
SRPR stands for Surveyor’s Real Property Report.
What will I get after my SRPR project?
Yes, at the end of your project you will receive a completed illustrative legal survey in a digital pdf and hard copy form if requested. You will also have a written survey report to help understand what the survey is showing.
Can I use a SRPR in court if my neighbor does not agree with the boundary?
Yes! A SRPR would provide you with the supportive documentation on the boundary and property to be admissible in a court case should one occur.
Does a SRPR project include the marking of the property limit with stakes?
In order to comply with the regulatory requirements for SRPR’s, we only need to set monuments at the front property corners. As a general rule, at IBW Surveyors, we will also set the rear monuments, but you may wish to document this if you require survey bars set at the rear corners as well. Also, if you would like additional stakes set along the proper lines, please let us know at the quote stage, as we can offer this upgrade at a very reasonable cost if we complete this at the same time.
Will you do anything if you find that my neighbor's shed is over the property line?
If it is found that there is a feature or building on or near the boundary line(s) it will be measured and properly reflected with distance ties to the line(s) on the completed survey. All we can do is report the current situation on the ground. We recommend that you consult your lawyer if the issue cannot be resolved between you and your neighbor after the location of the encroachment has been confirmed on the survey.
What is the difference between a Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) and a Lot Line Staking?
Though both surveys fall under the category of a Legal Survey – the Lot Line Staking will result in a complete mark out of your boundary limit(s) accompanied by a written report but no plan. Whereas, the Surveyor’s Real Property Report provides you with the marked boundaries, as well as the fully drawn physical survey for your records to illustrate features on or near your property in relation to the retraced boundaries.
How long is my survey valid for?
A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) does not have a specific expiration period. For a property survey to be considered “up to date” there would be no changes to the property in the form of additions or new structures, and there would be no changes to the title. For example if an easement has been added or a new shed has been built, the survey would not be considered up to date.
Can I use a SRPR if I am building?
Depending on the municipal or city regulations in your area and the type of building or construction permit in which you are applying, a legal boundary survey may be required in which a SRPR would meet these needs. Please note however some municipalities also require a plan illustrating the existing and even proposed Topographic information on the property/area of the proposed build. It is always recommended that you engage with the municipality prior to planning or engaging on any form of property alterations to ensure that you are following their set guidelines and know what they require for a survey.

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